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How to Design and Build Your Auto Workshop by David H Jacobs Jr (50_BuildAutoSho)
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Old Cars Questions & Answers ed by John Gunnell Auto triva book from Old Car Weekly published by Krause Pub 1993 208 pgs (93_OldCarsQandA)
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Convertibles - Americas Dazzling Drop Tops by the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide (93_Convertibles)
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Engine Builders Handbook by Tom Monroe 170 pages (67_1245)
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Auto Drive Trains Technology by James E Duffy and Chris Johanson - Principles Diagnosis and Service for all major types of Drive Trains - with certification questions (95_AutoDriveTra)
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The Complete Idiots guide to Buying or Leasing a Car by Jack R Nerad (96_IdiotsGuideB)
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Road Trips Head Trips and other Car Crazed Writings - Intro by P J ORourke - a collection of short stories edited by Jean Lindamood (96_RoadHeadTrip)
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Ultimate Auto Workshop Design & Planning by D Jacobs 144 page with more than 200 photos and illustrations (50_WorkDesign)
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Pictoral History of the Automobile by Graham Robson (50_PicHisAutRob)
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Convertibles history and Evolution of Dream Car by G. Guzzardi (709781845847876)
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Automobile Design Techniques & Design Modeling by Fredrick E Hoadley Hardcover 323 pages (49_DesignTechn)
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Automotive Electrical Handbook by Jim Horner covering all the basics of automotive wiring with a glossary of terms and symbols and how to apply wiring diagrams (50_387)
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Weld Like A Pro Beginning to Advanced Technique by J Uttrachi 144 pages (65_SA343)
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Servicing the Charging System Vol. F618 published by NRI Automotive Training 50 pages (74_139_LT_618)
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Complete Book of Engine Swapping by Tex Smith 192 pages (76_Swap_Smith)
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Automotive Tools Handbook by David H Jacobs Jr (90_AutoToolHand)
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Great Cars of the 40's full-color profiles of 25 all-time Detroit Favorites! Cadillac Chevy Chrysler T&Cs Ford LaSalle Packard Tucker Willys Jeep and more! by The Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 80 full color pgs. (45_GreatCars)
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1896-1996 America on Wheels - The First 100 Years by Frank Coffey and Joseph Layden (46_AmericaOnWhe)
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100 Years of the Automobile by Motor Trend Collector's Edition (50_100_Yr_Auto)
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Encyclopedia of THE CAR unique collection of the world's greates marques 403 pages hardbound (50_EncycCarsUni)
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Illustrated Motor Cars of the World by Piet Olyslager (50_IllustratedC)
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Car Memorabilia Price Guide, by: Ron Kowalke & Ken Buttolph. Automobilia, Petroliana, Paper, Toys, Licence plts, Hood ornaments, & more. (50_MemPriceGuid)
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Auto 100 Stamp Collection World's Greatest Car Collection (50_Stamps)
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Secrets of Buying & Selling Collector Cars by J Olson 96 pages (65_Coll_Cars)
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Monza, by Bob Judd (70_MonzaJudd)
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Automobile Design Twelve Great Designers and Their Work edited by R Barker & A Harding 374 page hardcover detailing the work of the Bollees Lanchester Leland Ledwinka Birkigt Porsche Miller Jano Voisin Issigonis and Chapman (92_AutoDesigner)
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1893-1993 100 Years of American Cars by John A Gunnell Over 400 photos 304 pgs pub by Krause Publications Repackaged Stardard Catalog of American Cars Series (93_AmericanCars)
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Past Joys by Ken Botto - A book of photos of the toys America played with in years past. (30_PastJoys)
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Automotive Upholstery Handbook by Don Taylor (B01_97893112800)
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Gas Flow in the Internal Combustion Engine by Annand & Roe (GasFlow)
$349.95 |
How to Restore Classic Toy Cars Trucks Tractors & Airplanes by D David 127 page restoration guide for model toys (50_ToyRestor)
$74.95 |
How to Build Modify and Power Tune Cylinder HEads by Peter Burgess and David Gollan (B03_136023AE)
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Ultimate Sports Cars by Quentin Willson hardbound many high quality photos & illustrations (90_Ultimate)
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How To Make Your Car Handle; Pro methods for Improved Handling, safety and performance by F. Puhn 200 pgs (50_HP_46)
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Automotive Emission Control by William H. Crouse (52_AutoEmmision)
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Domestic Electronic Fuel Injection & Computer Systems by F. Allen 256 pgs (52_ElecFuelInjD)
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Super Power A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Turbocharging, Supercharging, Fuel Injection & Nitrous-Oxide (NOS) by Larry Schreib (52_TurboGuide)
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Ultimate Auto Detailing Manual, your hands on guide to the proffesionals and concours winners' secrets by D. Jacobs jr. 200 pgs (52_UltimateDeta)
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1001 More High Performance Tech Tips by Wayne Scraba 192 pages (54_1429)
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How To Paint Your Car Book: Surface Preperation, masking, Spraying Paint & Clearcoat, Polishing & rubbing out Paint & Caring for your paint by D.H. Jacobs 150 pgs (56_HowToPaintCa)
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Boyd Coddington's How To Paint Your Hot Rod Book by T. Remus 150 pgs (56_HowToPaintHR)
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How To Build & Tune Cars For: Performance with Economy includes 100's of practical tips to help the auto enthusiast gain maximum performace & economy by D. Vizard 127 pgs (80_PErfEconBuil)
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Index 1-20 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 1-20 (52_Index_1_20)
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Index 1-4 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 1-4 (52_Index_1_4)
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Index 36-40 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 36-40 (52_Index_36_40)
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Road & Track's Used Car Classics; A guide to Affordable Exciting Cars 272 pgs (52_UsedCarClass)
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Automotive Atrocities the Cars We Love to Hate by Eric Peters hard cover history of detested cars 128 pgs pub by MBI 2004 (B04_Atrocities)
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The Standard Guide to 1:18 Scale Dies Cast Cars by Merry Dudley with a forward by Joe Kelly Jr (52_139149A)
$27.95 |
Encyclopedia of Italian Coachbuilders 2-volumes in slipcase by Sannia covering over 1,000 names including Allemano Bertone Boano Boneschi Catangna Goggiola Colli Ellena Faina Fantuzzi Mazzanti Fissore Francis Lombardi Frua Ghia Giugiaro Maggiora Marazzi Michelotti Monterosa Moretti OSI Pininfarina RivaScaglie tti Scioneri Siata Stabilimenti Farina Touring Vignale Viotti Zagato & many many more (69788896796436)
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Performance Welding Manual his valuable guide to quality welding covers techniques used for Indy and NASCAR race cars, experimental aircraft, and other applications requiring high-quality welds by Richard Finch (53_124530AP)
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